Lasso uses the libpq environment variables to get the Postgres connection parameters. You can find the list of the environment variables in the PostgreSQL documentation.

You can also pass the connection parameters, among other options, as command line arguments:

usage: lasso [-h] [-H HOST_NAME] [-p PORT] [--password PASSWORD]
             [--lock-timeout LOCK_TIMEOUT]
             [--statement-timeout STATEMENT_TIMEOUT] [--bindir BINDIR]
             [--depth [{surface,shallow,deep}]]
             [--describe [{short,json,full}]] [--version] [--latest-version]
             [--system-only | --barman]
             [--barman-configuration BARMAN_CONFIGURATION]
             [--repmgr-configuration REPMGR_CONFIGURATION]
             [--efm-configuration EFM_CONFIGURATION]
             [--xdb-pubserver-configuration XDB_PUBSERVER_CONFIGURATION]
             [--xdb-subserver-configuration XDB_SUBSERVER_CONFIGURATION]
             [--pgbouncer-configuration PGBOUNCER_CONFIGURATION]
             [--harp-configuration HARP_CONFIGURATION]
             [--etcd-configuration ETCD_CONFIGURATION]
             [--pgd-proxy-configuration PGD_PROXY_CONFIGURATION]
             [--upload] [--keep-report] [--is-latest-version]
             [dbname] [user]

EDB Lasso

positional arguments:
  dbname                Database name to connect to (default root)
  user                  Database user name (default root)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -H HOST_NAME, --host-name HOST_NAME
                        Database host name or socket directory (default local
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Database server port (default 5432)
  --password PASSWORD   Database server password
  --lock-timeout LOCK_TIMEOUT
                        Database connection lock timeout (default 3s)
  --statement-timeout STATEMENT_TIMEOUT
                        Database connection statement timeout (default 5min)
  --bindir BINDIR       PostgreSQL binaries directory (autodetect by default)
  --depth [{surface,shallow,deep}]
                        Depth of the report (default deep)
  --describe [{short,json,full}]
                        Describes every single module, in terms of action and
  --version             Shows Lasso version and modules revision
  --latest-version      Shows the latest available version of EDB Lasso, taken
                        from the EDB Web Services
  --system-only         Gather only system-related information - without
                        requiring a PostgreSQL connection
  --barman              Gather Barman status, enabled by default when Lasso is
                        run as 'barman' user and the executable exists.
                        Defaults to False. When Barman reporting is enabled,
                        we do not gather PostgreSQL related information
  --barman-configuration BARMAN_CONFIGURATION
                        Barman configuration file. By default use the native
                        algorithm in Barman to find the configuration file.
                        Valid only if Barman reporting is enabled
  --repmgr-configuration REPMGR_CONFIGURATION
                        Path to the repmgr.conf file, if using a non-default
  --efm-configuration EFM_CONFIGURATION
                        Path to the EFM properties file, if using a non-
                        default path
  --xdb-pubserver-configuration XDB_PUBSERVER_CONFIGURATION
                        Path to the xDB publication server configuration file,
                        if using a non-default path
  --xdb-subserver-configuration XDB_SUBSERVER_CONFIGURATION
                        Path to the xDB subscription server configuration
                        file, if using a non-default path
  --pgbouncer-configuration PGBOUNCER_CONFIGURATION
                        Path to the pgbouncer.ini file. You can specify multiple
                        files separated by comma
  --harp-configuration HARP_CONFIGURATION
                        Path to the config.yml file, if using a non-default
  --etcd-configuration ETCD_CONFIGURATION
                        Path to the etcd.conf file, if using a non-default
  --pgd-proxy-configuration PGD_PROXY_CONFIGURATION
                        Path to the pgd-proxy-config.yml file, if using a
                        non-default path
  --upload              Report tarball file is sent to EDB at the end of the
                        execution. The file will be removed if successfully
                        uploaded unless --keep-report is specified
  --keep-report         Keep a local copy of the report even after a
                        successful upload to EDB
  --is-latest-version   Only check if this is the latest available version of
                        Lasso and returns exit code 0 if this is the latest
                        version and 1 otherwise

For details about how to use each of these arguments, see Report types.