New Relic

The New Relic integration is based on the OpenTelemetry Collector, shipping the metrics over the standard OLTP protocol to the New Relic cloud endpoint.


A pre-existing New Relic account is required to use this integration.

Enable New Relic

To enable the New Relic integration:

  1. Select an existing project from the Projects page.

  2. Go to Settings on the left-side navigation.

  3. Select Integrations from the Settings drop down list.

  4. Select New Relic, a window pops up to provide the details:

    • New Relic API key - Provide an API Key. For more details, see New Relic API Key. The API Key is sensitive and can't be retrieved once saved.
    • New Relic API Key Name - Provide the API Key name to store an identifier for the key. This identifier is used for future reference to check the configuration details.
    • New Relic Account ID - Provide the account ID of New Relic.

    Provide all the details and select Save.

Once you enable this integration, it sends BigAnimal telemetry to your New Relic account.


Generate a new API License Key in New Relic to enable this integration in BigAnimal. This API key must be specific to this integration and shouldn't be shared. Whenever you disable this integration, revoke the API Key using the New Relic UI. Once revoked, it disables the New Relic ingestion and billable usage from the BigAnimal integration. This doesn't impact the other services using the New Relic API.


BigAnimal sends a subset of the OpenTelemetry Collector's metrics from the hostmetrics and kubeletstats receivers, plus BigAnimal custom metrics for the monitored Postgres instance.

You can see a list of metrics in the New Relic user interface, along with dimensions for each metric.

To see a list of metrics, go to Metrics & Events. Then select a specific metric to see the dimensions sent for that metric.

The set of metrics delivered to New Relic is subject to change. Metrics with names that begin with postgres.preview. or biganimal.preview. may be renamed or removed in a future release. Other metrics may also be renamed, added, or removed to better integrate into the New Relic platform.


After enabling the BigAnimal telemetry integration, check your billable New Relic usage and continue to monitor it over time.

Be aware of the following important cost considerations:

  • You are responsible for all costs charged to your New Relic account by telemetry sent by the BigAnimal New Relic integration. Charges are based on usage but they could even result from BigAnimal errors or oversights. If you do not accept this responsibility, do not enable the New Relic integration.

  • New Relic bills usage by bytes ingested and for data retention. You must monitor and configure alerts on your New Relic data ingestion to reduce the risk of unexpectedly large usage bills. Also check your retention settings.

New Relic has features to limit usage and ingestion. Customers should review their limits before enabling the BigAnimal integration. In the New Relic user interface, see Administration > Data management > Limits. Also refer to the following related topics in the New Relic documentation:

To disable the New Relic integration for BigAnimal and ensure no further costs are incurred on your New Relic account, you must revoke the API key provided to BigAnimal. Disabling the integration on the BigAnimal Portal is not sufficient.